Friday, December 05, 2008

Happy New Liturgical Year!


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via FIRST THINGS: On the Square by Michael Linton on 12/3/08

Happy New Year. Yes, I'm pushing it, but not as much as you think. I'm not talking about those woozie performances of "Auld Lang Syne" and the Rose Bowl, but instead the first Sunday of Advent that started off this week. Once a year I have the pleasure of introducing our students here at MTSU to [...]


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JOURNAL: Privatopia

pay attention to the NOTE at the bottom, i.e. "Primary loyalties" and having nation-state flags in churches, families and clans selling out for xmas instead of Advent and ChristMass to Epiphany.

Time for Christian resiliance and justice work with anabaptist, separatist, non-constantinianism models and I explicitly reject so-called xtian RECONSTRUCTIONISM (*ssholes!) but then again I am a royalist at heart when someone asks me exactly which king I am waiting advent for. Thanks Matisyahu. King without a crown rocks it.


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via Global Guerrillas by John Robb on 12/5/08

The recent announcement of Chicago's sale of its parking meter franchise in order to cover current expenses (part of the growing tsunami of fire sales of public assets in the works by nearly bankrupt state and local governments), reminded me of a paper I published over the Christmas holiday of 2007. The paper (click to read) was in anticipation of the global financial meltdown. I wrote it to help readers get their heads around the implications of rapidly occurring events. Unfortunately, it is playing out to script. It's a good backgrounder for people interested in the future of warfare and resilient communities.

NOTE: Recent efforts to use economic stimulus to reignite the economy are likely to fail badly (Keynesian economics isn't likely to work). Why? Simply, you can't artificially stimulate an economy undergoing a solvency crisis (unlike the situation we faced during the first depression where we were a creditor nation with strongly positive balance of payments, we are now a debtor nation with deeply negative flows).

NOTE: The current crisis is global in scale (too big for any nation-state to handle) and far too complex to model. Worse, it morphs faster than governments can respond. This failure to return conditions to stability will cause a widespread and catastrophic loss in legitimacy for nation-states. As a result, a psychological shift is in motion, spreading at epidemic rates on a global scale, that will put loyalties to family, gang, community, church, etc. (in toto: primary loyalties) far above loyalty to nation-states. The end result will be that global guerrillas and resilient communities will become the two poles of the social spectrum in the future. Don't be caught in between.


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library Pr0n link

Beautiful linkage

Thursday, December 04, 2008

stirling prentice



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via Other Cl/utter by Jenny on 12/2/08

catalog-copyI'm a big fan of stirling prentice's artwork and so I asked him to design a bunch of BookThug swag and odds n' ends. He did the launch poster and now, this cover for our 2009 catalogue, riffing off of Meredith Quartermain's Matter from last season. You can see more of his work at



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