Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Silence of the Songbirds by Bridget Stutchbury

Good news and bad news. Good news for the sheer delight she brings out of narrative of bird watching, banding, studying and teaching. I find that my bloodlust from hunting birds as a child has reforged and I just want to hear, see and photograph the little bitty birds in the canopy and understory. The bad news is always the same. little things pay the prices of admittance for our way of life.

Perhaps the workflows we should embrace are all over 10,000 years old and we should scale the down to locavore/anarchist-local scales. Fermentation, cultivation, narration and embellisments of personal tokens of trust.

check it

Kansas and windfarms and Quivira, Cheyenne Bottoms, and the East Kansas part of the central flyway. Go figure?

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