What does it mean to engage in projects? See
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Welcome to Part Two of your outlook for
the second half of 2008, Aries. We're checking up on how you're
progressing with the challenges you were given near the end of last year.
I'm hoping that by now you're well on your way toward leaving your
amateur or rookie status behind for good. I trust that you have had a
vision of exactly what you need to do in order to boost your level of
professionalism, and that you have taken aggressive steps to carry out
that vision. If for some bizarre reason you have not yet begun this
glorious work, jumpstart yourself immediately. Fate will conspire
dramatically on your behalf if you do. Now here's a tip on how to make
sure that your inner warrior is operating at peak efficiency: Assume
there's always more you can do to raise your standards and aspire to a
higher grade of excellence.
Topo Mapping the contours fo a life work?
Do social ethics involve more than the 4 non-negotiables?
Prayer (authority of Christ?)
Fasting and Almsgiving (Obedience to Bishop?)
Private Morality (Theology of the Body?)
Place (locality, community, loyalty?)
What would all this mean to me if I was a teacher/priest/monk in Second Life?
In Budapest
The opera house was beautiful. The tour guide was an retired dancer, 36 years old, beautife accent and could not believe that tourists wanted to see the inside of a normal opera box. She kept saying, it is just a box, why would you want to see it? If was endearing, sad and right all at the same time. Lemmings we are and we may never pass that way again.
The fisherman's Bastian was better than the castle. The tour guide ,Paul, was snarky, sacreligeous, and liked by the group. Odd. The chain bridge was excellent to walk accross. The largest bridge was the largest engineering project every built in its time. Mid 19th.
Need more to know about the Megyar Chieftans. The Holy Dexter relic of the right hand of St. Stephen?
Boar warpers pull boats on river/canal
Andre Kertesz artist to review
| The soul embodied? |
June 25, 2008 06:00 pm | Adéle Eisenstein takes a close up look at a major photography exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts |
Blind Girl Listening to Sand was Mary Anne's comment.
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