Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Anne Waldman Rips It Up, Corso and Ginsberg Interview Doctor Benway


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via Issa's Untidy Hut by Issa's Untidy Hut on 3/11/09

Here's Anne Waldman setting the place on fire - real nice to have the quality of the material match the poet's all out delivery. Many thanks to Christina for pointing the way.

And, because, that's just not enough, try this one on for size:

To round out a Beat kind of post, check out Gregory Corso and Allen Ginsberg "interviewing" William Burroughs in 1961.

Finally, the Twitter Lilliput Poem-of-the-day - actually, 2 poems, in just 140 characters, one by W. T. Ranney and one by John Martone.

Where else will you get that, folks?



Things you can do from here:


1 comment:

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Scott, glad you liked the post and thanks for the tip of the hat ...
