Sunday, June 08, 2008

The carbon footprint of food

This is absolutely true. The point of eating locally is to keep local economy fluid, keep cash moving. I would rather my cash goes to a local business. The food is fresher, tastes better, more variety, Eating local is about the food and the business of food. The best thing we can do for the environment is to become dead people. Dead people are the best environmentalists. (See Bruce Sterling and the Viridians....)


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via Marginal Revolution by Tyler Cowen on 6/7/08

Ezra reports:

...two Carnegie Mellon researchers recently broke down the carbon footprint of foods, and their findings were a bit surprising. 83 percent of emissions came from the growth and production of the food itself. Only 11 percent came from transportation, and even then, only 4 percent came from the transportation between grower and seller (which is the part that eating local helps cut).

In other words, when it comes to food the greenest things you can do, if that is your standard, is to eat less meat and have fewer kids.


Things you can do from here:


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