Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Become Like Nets 2009 Horoscope

Become Like Nets... 2009 Horoscope

We each must be and come to be like fallow nets
a middlishly tryst amidst the darkling below.
Habit formed, we'll lead a roped luck down to a tuition,
bounded as self-directed line repeals its fidelity of time.

Nor are we what we can see by looking inside the chinks
in us two-folded fisher-folk; nor entertain the sentinal links
of our shoreboats. Have you read the sign revealed at Candlemass?
as if certain imbolc-stemmed consciousness knew how to wrestle.

What we foresee, and what some finger will connect,
will shore us and our little thread into revealation--
though we're alliance-bound and relation-shipped.
Grappling skeins become taken aback partly as apparition.

Nor is what we look for an elucidation of bonded abyss,
that can-- and will through our habits-- bind and inspire.
You ever notice that this little stuff is exactly Your nostrum?
You are behemoth, and we envision a binding clutch of holy days.

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