Monday, June 02, 2008

New poem Couplets from journal

What intangible rewards are given to a man as you?” Words

Are no longer available or useful for frames of redaction.

Elaborate mathematical riddles played out on plaster

and mud forms. Scraped layered things are scalded with intent.

Things are designed to hurt. Relish the thoughtfulness of the very tiny

and massively complex machinery inside the tender parts of your body.

The usefulness of a penis sheath proves that usefulness trumps aesthetics.

We are mentally unstable enough to begin spastic mistake making.

Forgiveness, healing, exorcism by passing an afflicted man-child through

A hole in a tree, in a rock, in a wall and scraping off the ghost’s pollution.

See the tan man making sex wreck the lightpole daddy. Trapped by a desire

Specifically made to preserve a value. Modifications are not performed.

So, feeding the beast is an disassociative behavior similar to any hypnotic,

Altered state. How would you treat this? Within ritual locating the body.

I passed his body through the millstone hole. Messy belief is real to me.

What are you willing to give up I asked? For this lifestyle. Name it.

Many names received not of blood. Fullness received grace easily forged.

Each forged record is found out in a strange wayward universe with full lips.

He is an old man with death surrounding his ears. His belief in progress only

A secular version of xtian faith in salvation for all, or atonement.

My child, do not forget my heart, length of life, welfare. We will do faith-

Fullness. Bind your neck to me. Acknowledge and make straight the way.

The gospel of making do, craftiness tells us that if you find a need to kill

A god, you pre-stage a resurrection. But as for you, continue to be learned.

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